Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why are disabled veterans being denied the right to have children? -- things that make you go Seriously WTF?

Why are disabled veterans being denied the right to have children? -- things that make you go Seriously WTF?

I came across this article today and it ripped me to shreds.,0,4501470.story

Veteran, by definition means they have done fighting!  So why are they fighting still? And fighting for the right to have a child at that?  If we follow the VA’s logic for a moment then this is how I understand what is being told to our returning soldiers – “Hey, we are really sorry that this dangerous job we sent you on caused you such injury that you can no longer have a child but guess what, not our problem, better luck next time?  Is this what our vets deserve?
I am putting some funds aside to help at least 12 veterans in a similar situation for 2013.  We will cover their IVF and transfer and they will just pay for the meds.  It is my hope that we will be karmically rewarded so that we can extend this to more veterans soon.  Thank you for your service, it’s not your fault for being a part of a meaningless war, but we will help you where the government has failed to do so. 
I know this blog will trigger responses by others who also feel they suffered a grave injustice and should get a similar offer (and others who will lecture us that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not meaningless who will be ignored as if they were wearing tinfoil hats), my heart goes out to all of you (vets that is not tinfoil hat wearers), but our company’s coffers can only reach so far.  Having said that, I am working on a program called “Free IVF” which will be ready by Feb 2013, if you want to know more about it, drop us a line with the subject line: Free IVF and I will get back to you as soon as it is completed.

Rudy Rupak, CEO

1 comment:

  1. I hope that some of the men and women who have given so much to our country are able to take advantage of this generous offer.
